Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is increasingly a concern to Torrelsa due to the impact it has in the society and in communities in greatest need.

The practices developed by Torrelsa intend to include social and environmental concerns in its strategic activity in order to create a set of values which involve the society. These practices not only increase the satisfaction of employees and the loyalty of your clients, but also allow a greater capacity of competitiveness and innovation.

Torrelsa promotes the marketing of Fair Trade and Organic certificated coffees.



Organic Coffee

Torrelsa encourages the commercialization of Blends made of organic farming coffees, accredited by CCPAE (Consell Catalá de la Producció Agrària Ecológica).

The organic certification guarantees that the coffee has been produced following the rules of organic farming: without pesticides and / or herbicides.

Fair Trade

The International Federation of Alternative Trade defines Fair Trade as a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the South hemisphere.

The principles that rule a fair trade relationship are:

1.    Transparency and accountability in the production and trade chain management;
2.    Long term relationship offering training and support to producers and access to market information;
3.    Fair payment upon reception of the product, besides a bonus that should benefit the entire community and production or plantation financing, or early payment of the harvest, when necessary;
4.    Democratic organization of the producers in cooperatives or associations;
5.    Respect for national and international laws and rules (for example, labour laws);
6.    The work environment should be safe and the children should go to school;
7.    The environment should be respected.